Confidential communication channel linked directly to Starnav's Ethics Committee
Canal de comunicação confidencial ligado diretamente ao Comitê de Ética da Starnav
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Starnav follows national and international legislation on the topic of combating corruption, in particular the Brazilian Penal Code in art. 327, caput, § § 1 and 2 and 337-D caput and single paragraph; anti-corruption Law 12,846/13; Law 12,683/12 on Combating Money Laundering; Law 14,133/21 on Tenders and Administrative Contracts; UK Competition Law 12,529/11 and Anti-Bribery Act (U.K. Bribery Act).
In addition to the applicable legislation expressed here, compliance with the NBR ISO 37001:2017 standard is also part of this Policy.