The Detroit Group, seeing the good trend and growth of the Offshore Oil and Gas Market in Brazil during the 2000s, increased its logistical requirements for this market.Through its operational experience gained in the logistics of the Salmon industry in Chile with its fleet of ships, also adding the high quality and leadership of its two shipyards (Detroit Brasil and Detroit Chile), and finally, with the great knowledge and experience of more than 60 years providing maintenance and operational services (spare parts/services) in diesel engines (DDC/MTU), it decided in 2007 to create Starnav Serviços Marítimos to serve this important global industry that is the Offshore Oil and Gas Market.
Today we are a Brazilian Shipping Company, based in Itajaí – SC, with facilities and operations throughout the Brazilian coast, with a concession from ANTAQ to operate in the Maritime Support and Port Support sectors.
Starnav currently has one of the largest and most modern fleets of "Hi-Spec" PSVs worldwide, in addition to its modern fleet of high-capacity Bollard Pull and Maneuverability Line Handlers. It operates its fleet always in search of high operational performance, with a strong commitment to the highest standards of Safety, Health and Environment, investing in the constant improvement and qualification of its team.
We intend to be a Shipping Company that stands ou in the national and international market, supported by our values, operating in the best way in maritime services and port support segments, managing our business in a safe and efficient manner.
Serving the Offshore Oil and Gas Market with our vessels designed with high technological and operational standards, crewed by highly qualified personnel committed to meeting customer demands, always respecting current legislation and having operational safety and respect for the environment as the predominant factors, thereby continuing to grow in a healthy and positive direction.
Business Concept
We are one of the leading companies specializing in maritime vessels for the international oil and gas industry. Operating in the offshore support segment, Starnav stands out for its integrated and conscious growth, respecting the country's standards and legislation. Our team of highly qualified professionals ensures that Starnav's technical and operational management are integrated and aligned, always aiming for safety and excellence in our business.